
CAiRE is a Cluster for Artistic and Experimental Research initiated by four artistic research groups linked to universities and a center for artistic experimentation and production, all of them located in Catalonia. CAiRE’s objectives are to contribute to the recognition of artistic research as a way to produce new knowledge, to develop joint work lines between its members, to give advice on public policies for artistic R+D and to create new dissemination channels for artistic research.

CAiRE is an independent, cross-cutting and flexible organisation, managed under the principles of coordination and optimisation of its member’s resources and critical mass. Moreover, CaiRE develops new strategic partnerships with other actors in order to generate and attract new cultural, social, economical and symbolic capital.

The driving group of CAiRE is composed by the following research groups and center:

· Digidoc – Interactive Communication, UPF

· Art, Architecture and Digital Society, UB + UOC + UIC

· GRETA – Research Group of Aesthetics and Art Theory, UAB

· HANGAR – Visual Art Production and Research Center

· IMARTE – Research Group in Art, Science and Technology, UB

Contact: contact@caire.hangar.org


CAiRE’s logo has been designed by Ayla Pellicer.

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